With this new facility, passengers can pass through the immigration gate without any hindrance. While passengers will not have to face any long lines and other difficulties at the airport.

What is an E-passport? Benefits and Usage

How to use an e-passport? The e-passport will be scanned through the e-gates at the airport, which will immediately reveal all your information through the chip in the e-passport. The passenger then has to go to the next gate where he has to stand in front of his fingerprints and camera to verify his identity. Benefits of e-Passport: The rampant threat of identity fraud needs a strengthening of security features in passports. The International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) – which sets international standards nominated facial recognition as the primary biometric for e-passport with iris and fingerprint as backup but not mandatory. The use of biometric information to link any individual to a passport can assist in countering identify fraud. In practice, biometric verification can be used at border controls and to verify the image on a passport renewal application against images held on record. Furthermore, an E-Passport enables border security agencies to instantly retrieve any passenger’s data through the microchip on his passport. In addition, the idea of ​​a fake passport will disappear. The use of biometric information to link any individual to a passport serves a binary role:

It helps in detecting counterfeit or manipulated documents. It also helps in confirming the identity of the individual.

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