Were Political Ads on Facebook Misguiding People?

This new feature is launched just before the 2020 US elections. Furthermore, the company is also launching a new Voting Information Center that will facilitate people with ways to vote and will provide them with new information on how to register to vote and how to vote by mail. Users will be given the ability to turn on alerts that will remind them to vote by directing them to polling places by November. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, while telling about this new feature said: ”many people want us to moderate and remove more of [politicians’] content. Accountability only works if we can see what those seeking our votes are saying.” Instead of removing misinformation, the company’s focus will be” He further added: “Voting is voice. It’s the single most powerful expression of democracy, the best way to hold our leaders accountable and how we address many of the issues our country is grappling with.”   This is a good initiative launched at the company’s part as it will not only enhance its credibility but will also stop people who use its platform to spread misinformation. Right now, this feature is not launched, and it seems the company will launch it in the near future. Also Read: Facebook Portal Gets New Features and Improvements in Latest Update