US government authorized Microsoft to export software to Huawei

There is a shift in the attitudes. On Thursday, Microsoft announced that the US government has finally permitted us to export software to China. They also granted us a license. A Microsoft spokesman told Reuters via email that, “On November 20, the US Department of Commerce granted Microsoft’s request for a license to export mass-market software to Huawei. We appreciate the Department’s action in response to our request”. check out? Microsoft Cortana App for iOS and Android will be Shut Down on January 31 The administration of US president Donald Trump told last week that it will allow some of the US firms and suppliers to sell technology to the telecom giant Huawei. The Commerece Department also gave a green signal by issuing license to some suppliers. So that they can sell their goods and services to Huawei and expanding their supplies to the company who had remained a major trading partner. A US official stated that in less than a week, they have received about 300 license application. 50% of those requests have been processed. About one-quarter of them have been approved. So, this is a big development. Although, one thing is not clear yet. It’s about which products and softwares will be allowed to sell. Dan Ives, an analyst with Wedbush Securities, said the license was most likely for the company’s Windows operating system. A long prevailed trade war between Huawei and US administration has finally reached a solution. And the trade is going to start again after a long time.