Twitter Could Face Major Crash During World Cup

See Also: Musk Warns Twitter Employees to Work Long Hours or Leave He estimated a 90% chance of something going wrong that users would notice during the 29-day competition in Qatar. He also suggested that some kind of incident such as service responding slowly or incorrectly is almost certain. According to The Observer, Twitter is likely to struggle with traffic at kickoff and may crash. The company’s ability to respond to any issues with its IT infrastructure was weakened by swingeing cuts that the CEO, Elon Musk, has instigated since his October 28 purchase of the platform for $44bn. In the first week, about half of the company’s 7,500 employees were let go. Four out of every five of the company’s 5,500 contractors were let go during the second week. And this week, another 1,000 or more employees quit after Musk issued a directive asking them to choose between current employment and future employment. It is worth noting that many of those who resigned were Twitter’s most experienced staff. Check Also: Users uploaded full videos as Twitter’s Copyright enforcement is Broken