Trump Campaign Video Removed from Social Media Platforms

President Trump was not happy about it and called this tweet removal Illegal. To this, Jack Dorsey, Twitter CEO, revealed that It’s not illegal, but instead the tweet is removed after the complaint received from the copyright holder. While it is not known who filed the copyrights complaints on the video titled “Healing not Hatred”. This video also included a voiceover of Trump where he said that the “death of George Floyd was a grave tragedy.” This was pulled because we got a DMCA complaint from copyright holder. — jack (@jack) June 6, 2020 AN official from Facebook also revealed that they had received the copyrights complaint as well. However, the video streaming app, YouTube has not removed any video from their platform, and the official from the company said that the video doesn’t contain any such content which has violated the copyright. It might be due to the reason that app is earning big amount through this video as two days back, the video had half million views which might have increased by now. Also Read: Facebook’s Trump Policy Disappoints the Civil Rights Leaders