Investment shouldn’t be a matter to be worried about for entrepreneurs. We have a pool of investors waiting to invest in young entrepreneurs’ ideas. To make sure that your idea gets the proper care, you could focus on the business incubation rather than the funding of the idea TheDesk START got your back. TheDesk START is founded as a launchpad for new and high-tech entrepreneurial ventures. With a goal to facilitate an all solution platform for the tech enthusiasts who want to utilize resources to provide innovative solutions. Professional mentorship, friendly environment, and niche-specific business veterans all combined in one place to make sure that the idea matures as a successful business venture. With some of the exceptional facilities, TheDesk START ensures that startup teams gain the most out of the healthy discussions on various technology topics. Moreover, with uninterrupted power and internet supply, refreshment, and lots of other supportive services they make sure to help entrepreneurs develop their business ideas. The number of good incubation centers in Pakistan with mentors to look after the young entrepreneurial ventures is lesser in number. TheDesk START aims to be the support that helps the tech entrepreneurs to launch their businesses flawlessly. Providing the mentorship of the best of the mentors from the niche-specific veterans TheDesk gives your business a proper START. A seasoned mentor is hard to find, and those who are in sight are tough to get counseling from. But TheDesk START comes up with an entire team of mentors. Get supervised by a person who has the right and relevant exposure to your idea. TheDesk has taken reliable private and public bodies onboard for facilitating the incubated startups. It keeps a close eye on the progress to ensure funds are transferred fast. Startup teams are given access to a purpose-built co-working facility where they can enjoy free workspace, internet, fixtures and furniture, and lots of tech equipment. Business ideas are tested, validated, nurtured, and systematically turned into reality. The result comes into a flawless foundation of a stronger startup. Every startup has to face setbacks as soon as it launches and tests the waters. With TheDesk, you will be guarded with the mentorship of tech magnates who can teach you to survive and succeed in every situation.