The Internet of Things (IoT)

One of IoT’s main advantages is how it provides connectivity across all smart devices and machines. Travel companies see their potential and want to take full advantage of it.     Examples of travel IoT:  

 Smart Airports    Personalized travel services through smartphones   Data personalized to specific locations   Automation of tasks at hotels and airports

Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

There are endless possibilities for AI, particularly in the travel field. Machine learning and a variety of bots are already being used to automate tasks, increase efficiency, cut costs, and improve customer service, of course.     Examples of traveling AI:  

travel bots that respond quickly when agents cant   Speech recognition  customer-facing AI robots   Analysis of data to learn traveler profiles  

Virtual Reality (VR) 

VR is already widely used in education and gaming, and it has been noted by travel companies. Many are taking steps to implement VR quickly to provide customers with an effective overview of the experiences they hope to have.  

Augmented Reality (AR) 

AR technology incorporates the physical and virtual worlds from any smartphone and tablet, which is why hotels have taken advantage of AR to improve the visibility of the destinations they want to visit. As more and more travelers on their phones learn, schedule and book travel, using AR is a natural progression. 

Wi-Fi connectivity

Web and Wi-Fi connectivity, of course, are hardly new trends. There is, however, an increasing demand for consumers to remain connected in the air, on the water and on the ground. We want to share their encounters in real time, leave feedback, get important information, and more. 

Voice technology 

Google says 72 percent of people with voice-activated devices use them every day — like Siri, Alexa, and Google Home, for example. Increasing consumer comfort and familiarity with digital voice assistants are beginning to take advantage of travel industry firms.