In a December 2021 study conducted by the American company Cloudflare, it was determined that TikTok had surpassed Google as the year’s most popular domain. Experts in the field of technology assert that younger generations like TikTok and Instagram over Google searches for text-based information due to the audiovisual and immersive nature of these platforms. They would rather watch a 30-second or less video than read a lengthy blog post. TikTok and Instagram collect data to tailor the user experience, the same as any search algorithm.

TikTok & Instagram Pose a Serious Threat to Search Engine Giant Google

In addition, they develop a unique website for each user that offers them information on anything from restaurants and fashion trends to beauty products and news without ever completing a proper keyword search. Google is currently attempting to compete with the popularity of TikTok and Instagram by employing enhanced AI optimization and more immersive marketing. Google Senior Vice President Prabhakar Raghavan stated at a recent tech conference that roughly 40 percent of young Americans between the ages of 18 and 24 preferred TikTok and Instagram over Google Maps or its search function while looking for a restaurant. It shows the intensity of stringent competition that these platforms are giving to the search engine giant. Check out? Google Lens Gets ‘AR Translate’ and Expands Multisearch to More Languages