Book Movie Tickets via Google Duplex

  Now you don’t have to fill the annoying online form to book the tickets as Google assistant will do this all for you. YOu just have to wake it up and tell the name of the movie that you want to watch in your area. Rest everything will be done by Google. TO fill out the form, it will use your personal information that is saved to Chrome. Currently, the assistant is working with 7 theatres and tickets agent websites for the US, Odeon and UK. However, with time the date will extend. However, we expect that at the back end, Humans will not be making calls faking to be Google Duplex. A few months back, we came to know that around quarters of calls made by Duplex were actually Human beings. It was quite shocking to know as the company is selling the product telling us that is assistant is AI-powered. Later on, Google accepted it but revealed that calls were made by human as a part of its testing process. Want to know more about it? Click here.