Some Third-party app icons don’t appear on Apple Watch Series 7

It was first spotted by a developer working on products related to Apple’s ecosystem. He clarifies that the simulator in Xcode displays the icons just fine but they don’t appear on the actual watch. Some believe that this is due to the new screen dimensions and resolution because the icons are perfectly fine on older watches, even when running watchOS 8.

Doesn’t reproduce on the Series 7 simulator, fine on all my other watches. I am not pleased. See it with @CARROT_app too. — James Thomson (@jamesthomson) October 15, 2021

Reason for this Issue:

Some reports claim that the issue is due to the new screen dimensions and resolutions. Some icons do not fit in the screen. On the other hand, some reports are claiming that there is a bug on the App Store server side. When apps are ‘thinned’, a process that strips out unused assets to reduce size on disk. For instance, when you download a Watch app on a Series 4 or later, the image resources for Series 3 and earlier watches are not included in the download.

When this Issue will Resolve?

Apple has not said anything regarding this. But a temporary workaround is to switch the home screen’s view to “List”. Keep in mind that the icons would still be missing but at least you’d know which app is which as the list view displays the names as well. But we are hoping that Apple will soon resolve this issue and users will be able to use the watch without any error. Check Also: Apple Watch Series 7 to Arrive with Thin Bezels and a Durable Design Than its Predecessor