Smart Ration Distribution and Monitoring system carried out in Karachi

Through a video link, they have informed people how to distribute ration in a rightful manner under the prevailing circumstances. They basically delivered a message to those who are currently operating any NGO or doing any other social work. The ELAJ trust organization followed a number of steps to provide ration and also monitoring it through digital means. They started by storing goods at a place for almost 1000 houses which are located in slums and streets in the close vicinity. After which they made a number of teams comprising of 2 people. A motorcycle driver from Careem, Uber, Foodpanda etc. and an indigenous person of the respective areas to track the routes easily. In this way the The Elaj Trust did another marvellous thing before distributing the ration. They carried out a survey in a particular area to know about the need and poor people who really deserve the aid. So they collected data sheets of those individuals with their names, CNICs, mobile numbers, addresses and number of family members. This way the organization can distribute the ration in an effective manner and to those families who really need it. Furthermore, they kept a whole record of distribution and also provided this information to the Sindh government via Sindh Relief Initiative App. Check out? A Sindh Relief Initiative App is launched to register NGO’s and provide rations They are sharing various attributes of the family to inform the government through the app. These include the name of the person, number of family members, means of income, time period of unemployment, picture of CNIC uploaded to the app and amount of ration (15 to 30 days). After which, a receipt is generated through the app which also includes the exact location of that particular house and sent to the government via this app. A Check and Balance system is also introduced for the team which is distributing rations. They have to enter their time of collection and distribution simultaneously. Therefore, it assisted the organization to note the efficiency and time consumption of distributing ration. Now, three things can be outlined from the above discussion which have been highlighted below:

Find a secure place to store all the ration which you have to distribute in close proximity to your chosen area. Recruit natives of a certain area in your team to distribute the ration in an easy and swift manner. Only include those bike riders which can use smartphones, so the monitoring and registration of the needy hoses could be done easily.

In perilous times like these, such steps are enhancing the efficacy of this initiative and provides a great example to other individuals and organization who wish to help the poor and needy of our society. Our government should pay tribute to such people who are working day and night for the betterment of masses. In this way, our community can achieve a genuine social welfare status.