Samsung’s New App Reminds Us to Wash Hands Regularly

The company has taken into description a study from the University College London which maintains that washing hands six to ten times a day is best along with the additional hand washes after bathroom visits and before eating. The app will remind people to wash up through alarms that will sound and vibrate after every two hours. These intervals can be adjusted within the app’s settings. Once the wearer is near the sink, sliding upside on the watch will start a 25-second timer which will include five seconds for applying cleanser and twenty seconds for scrubbing. Since the Galaxy Watch lineup is waterproof, the users will not need to worry about the water coming on the watch. The application will also encompass a Hand Wash Trend tracking function that will register your handwashing stats with records of each day’s occurrences and weekly averages. On the release of its app, Samsung stated that “While awareness has increased the importance of washing one’s hands frequently and thoroughly, opinions can differ on what ‘frequently and thoroughly’ actually means in practice. This is why Samsung has developed an app to provide a clear guide on how, and how regularly, users should be washing their hands”. Check out? Samsung Continues to Lag Behind Other Smartphone Brands In Pakistan [2020]