Once Again, Jazz tops the PTA Complaint Charts

Furthermore, according to the data, the national telecom operator received 15,863 complaints from users against different telecom operators, which include cellular operators, PTCL, LDIs, WLL operators, and other ISPs in November 2021. PTA claimed that it was able to fix 96 percent (15,270) of the complaints. Cellular mobile subscribers form a major part of the entire telecom subscriber base. Thus, the maximum number of complaints were lodged against this segment. The total number of complaints lodged against Cellular Mobile Operators by November stood at 15,311. As mentioned above, Jazz is the largest cellular operator with a huge user base, consequently, the number of complaints lodged against it was higher. In addition to that, PTA also received a total of  229 complaints against basic telephony, of which 218 were resolved in November 2021. Moreover, a total of 310 complaints were lodged against ISPs, where 300 were resolved. Also, it is pertinent to mention here that in October 2021, Jazz lead the chart with 6893 complaints, and Telenor took second place with 4,077 complaints. Also Read:

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