Here’s how to Check your Safety on WhatsApp

Tech critics have asked people to update their WhatsApp immediately. In this way, they can remain safe from this vulnerability.  In order to do this, one should check if they are safe or not. For that one should check if they are using the latest version of WhatsApp on their devices.

heck if you are Safe on WhatsApp:

Android users must have WhatsApp latest version 2.19.274 and on iPhone, users must have upgraded version 2.19.100. To check if you have the latest version or not iPhone users should go to settings>clcik on help. IN this way one will get the latest version of Android WhatsApp version. Whereas Android users need to click on settings>helo>App info. Furthermore, if things keep on going like this, the time is near when people will boycott this platform. So, the social media giant need to address this issue before anything else. Also Read: Users Should Delete WhatsApp: Telegram Founder