Pre-rendered movies from the story mode have always been a highlight of the Tekken franchise. More than that, we have a lot more cool stuff from Tekken 8 that we’d love to show you. However, we decided to highlight the PS5-optimized material in our initial announcement. The trailer showcases this quality standard in the newly modeled playable characters. These are instantly distinguishable from the existing Tekken 7. Elements like the way water drop flow down the characters’ skin within a minute. This is not pre-rendered footage, but rather what you’ll see on the game screen. The storm is rendered so realistically that you can feel the pressure of the wind and the intensity of the rain, and if you look closely enough, you can see dynamic waves and tornadoes in the background of the battle. All of these are designed to be employed in the battle stage of this game. Obviously, we’re trying to improve the quality even more. The latest build is becoming better and better every day; in the distance, a massive tanker is getting closer to the shore, and big flames are erupting close to where the character is standing. We’re excited for you to see them out in action!

The Tekken series also has the distinction of having the longest-running plot in the history of video games. Tekken 8 will feature a duel between Kazuya and his son, Jin Kazama, as mentioned in Tekken 7’s post-credits speech. We can’t wait for you to play the game and find out what that mysterious sequence in the trailer means and how it relates to the larger narrative. The game remains in the process, though. The development team is putting in extra time and effort to make this game worth the excitement.