More than 350,000 EVMs to be Manufactured in 6 Months: Shibli Faraz

Furthermore, Shibli said that the EVMs would be rolled out after Eidul Azha for the members of the National Assembly and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) for getting opinions and to convince them of its numerous benefits. Moreover, the minister elaborated that around three institutes had the capacity to build 2,000 EVMs on daily basis. with each device costing an estimated Rs65,000, which was half the price of an imported device that had no guarantee of operating on a consistent basis. According to Shibli, a special type of paper would be utilized in the machines on which ink would not fade or dull for a period of 5 years. He said, To put an end to controversies, he said, the PM had tasked the Ministry of Science and Technology with developing an EVM that would make the voting process transparent. He said that the EVMs would have a battery life of just two days. While these voting machines would be experimented against cyber attacks, the identity of the voter would remain anonymous as information would be encrypted. “No kind of tampering with the machine would be possible,” the minister said. Check out? Federal Minister Omar Ayub Inaugurates E-portal for Facilitating NGOs