Mobile Import Taxes Increased, Find out what You’ll Have to Pay Now!

  Increased Import Taxes for Mobile Phones on CNIC: Now as you can see in the above-mentioned table, the taxes have been increased with respect to price range (in USD). For phones coming under 0-30$ price range, the tax has been increased from PKR 407 to PKR 550. For smartphones coming in the range of 30$-100$, the import tax has been increased from PKR 2000 to PKR 4350. Similarly, the import tax has been increased from PKR 5985 to PKR 11,500 for smartphones coming under the 100$-200$ price range. As the price range increases, the import tax also increases exponentially. Like for $200-$350 price range, the import tax has been increased from PKR 7865 to PKR 16,500. For smartphones coming under the $350-$500 price range, the taxes have been increased from PKR 22,715 to PKR 28,800. Simultaneously, the import tax has been increased from PKR 40,500 to PKR 46,500 for the smartphones coming $500+ category. Increased Import Taxes for Mobile Phones on Passport: As you can see in the afore-mentioned table, import taxes for mobile phones registered on passport have been increased. To find the new import tax for the smartphone you want to purchase, check out the tax calculator: Mobile Phones Taxes in Pakistan Calculator: Find Out Exact Tax/Customs Rates! Check out? Mobile Phones To Get a Price Hike Due to Increased Import tax in the New Budget