Recommended: Microsoft to Launch its Surface Duo on September 10th Although President Trump said last July he had looked the contract after complaints about the bidding process and was concerned about the political influence in the decision as The government awarded the contract to Microsoft in October 2019. Oracle and IBM were both proposing to join into the deal but were discontinued from the process in April 2018. Oracle had challenged the decision in court and lost its latest legal appeal earlier this week. On Friday, The company was gladly prepared to work on the project, said a Microsoft spokesperson. “We appreciate that after careful review, The DoD confirmed that we offered the right technologies and better value “. said the Spokesman. The Pentagon’s JEDI contract aims to procure cloud technologies from the tech giant to modernize the DoD’s systems and infrastructure. The success of Microsoft also gives the company in the government sector more opportunities. Also Read: Microsoft Launches ‘deepfake’ Detector to Spot AI Altered Fake News