Infinix Flood Relief Drive is currently providing food, shelter, hygienic products, mosquito repellents and medical aid to flood victims in order to overcome this natural calamity and its resulting challenges. It also aims to reach out to the flood-rehabilitation centers soon, in order to understand the ongoing needs better. The CEO of Infinix Mr.Joe Hu expressed his views saying: Five Million Rupees of initial donation from Infinix has already been released for catering the needs of flood victims, while its official distributor ‘’Innovi’’ also supports this humanitarian initiative. ‘’We are standing in solidarity with the flood victims so that we can prosper together as a nation once again’’; said Mr. Zeeshan Mianoor CEO Inovi Telecom. Millions of properties, crops, livestock and infrastructure have been destroyed, leaving more than 20 million people without food, shelter and income. Through Infinix Flood-Relief Drive and as an accountable global enterprise, Infinix also aims inspires the global community for ensuring environmental-sustainability, as fighting ‘Climate-Change’ is a collective responsibility for everyone. Check Also: Govt Launches Digital Flood Dashboard to Ensure Transparency in Relief Efforts