AI enables people to rethink how we integrate information, analyze data, and use the resulting insights into the improvement of decision making Artificial intelligence is altering the world but are those changes beneficial? That’s the billion-dollar question. The experts believe that artificial intelligence will impact the fortune of every industry and of course, the future of every person on the planet earth. Artificial intelligence is valuable in driving the emergence of new technologies such as big data, robotics and IoT, in the future, it will act as a technological innovator. Artificial intelligence is valuable in driving the emergence of new technologies such as big data, robotics and IoT It is believed that artificial intelligence will resolve a lot of problems that we are facing presently. The focus of AI is not just on cool home gadgets or on process optimization and automation but can be used to rethink how to solve the world’s problems. AI has a great potential to improve different aspects of life, including healthcare, education, poverty and security. Today, AI machines are doing very beneficial things which were not possible for humans to do on their own. All the tech giants are now focusing on building AI solutions for good. Following are some of the challenges that we are facing today but can get rid of them in future with the help of AI.


United Nations estimated that to feed the world’s population by 2050; there is a need to increase food production by 70% across the globe. Artificial Intelligence can help us in this context by detecting disease for earlier interventions, automating the tough tasks and applying herbicide accurately. AI can develop seeds production and maximize the production of crops. United Nations estimated that to feed the world’s population by 2050; there is a need to increase food production by 70% across the globe

Health Care:

AI has brought a massive revolution in the health care sector, and with time, it is helping to detect the disease before the involvement of any medical professional. It is also assisting the healthcare staff in the care of the patient that is under observation. Artificial intelligence is developing innovative drug therapies and customized medicine, robots are also supporting in the surgeries Volumes of data created by Healthcare systems will remain unused without the artificial intelligence support. It is important to note that not only the artificial intelligence is developing innovative drug therapies and customized medicine, but robots are also supporting in the surgeries.

Human Rights:

Artificial intelligence can help the world to reduce human rights violations to a great extent by identifying human trafficking quicker in a more comprehensive way. The AI face recognition technology can help us to find missing people by analyzing the photos correctly.


Artificial intelligence can support the learning in and out of the classroom with its valuable tools. It has excellent potential to bring a drastic transition by the learning of any course, any time, from anywhere across the globe. AI-powered education is helping to equip students with fundamental IT skills. In the future, with the help of AI, students will be able to get access to a broader range of courses.

 Helping People with Disability:

AI technologies help to solve general accessibility, transportation and communication problems. It is enabling people to live an independent life. Primarily, AI facilitates the disabled people in employment and improvement of their daily experience by reducing or removing technology barriers that people with disabilities are facing.

Combat Fake News:

Artificial Intelligence can be used to fight against the spread of fake news by verifying the authenticity of the articles and news. Humans can’t identify the fake news as the amount of content generated daily is uncountable. Still, AI can offer a smart solution to identify fake news by using predictive analytics. Many social media platforms and news organizations are using artificial intelligence (AI) tool to weed out false stories.

Climate Change:

We all are aware of the fact that our planet is facing a significant issue of climate change. If we fail to take appropriate action on time to solve this global issue, then there is a possibility that the problem can get more severe. But AI can give us benefit by providing solutions to tackle this current challenge. The AI inventors are developing different ways to control the significant issue of climate change by applying some useful technological methods. For example, AI tools are monitoring wildlife more accurately and efficiently. Other than that, the Drone technology is also helpful in monitoring the wildlife population and count animals. Montreal Institute for Learning Algorithms (MILA), Microsoft, and Conscient AI Labs researchers have used GANs, a type of AI, to simulate what homes are likely to look like after being hit by rising sea levels and storms with high intensity. AI also has the potential to unlock new insights from the massive amounts of complex climate simulations generated by the climate modelling field

National Security:

For the security of nations, AI can play a substantial role. The American military is deploying AI that alerts human analysts when there is any suspicious activity. The Deputy Secretary of Defense Patrick Shanahan stated that “the goal of emerging technologies in this area is to meet our warfighters’ needs and to increase [the] speed and agility [of] technology development and procurement.


AI is introducing major inventions in transportation. Autonomous vehicles such as cars, trucks, buses, and drone delivery systems are using advanced technological capabilities. All these automated vehicles are equipped with the features of guidance and braking, lane-changing systems. They are using the cameras and sensors for collision avoidance. More importantly, these vehicles are using the AI to analyze information in real-time, and the deep learning systems to adapt to new circumstances via detailed maps.

Smart Cities:

With the collaboration of IoT, Artificial Intelligence can address critical challenges posed by an excessive urban population, including traffic management, healthcare, energy crises, and many other issues. It also has the potential to bring improvement in the lives of the citizens and businesses that inhabit a smart city. Artificial intelligence has the potential to improve the efficiencies of our workplaces and bring a distinctive change in the lives of humans. With better monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, artificial intelligence can dramatically influence all the sectors of industry and aspects of our life With better monitoring and diagnostic capabilities, artificial intelligence can dramatically influence all the sectors of industry and aspects of our life  

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