Users in Argentina, Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, France, India, Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, Thailand, United Kingdom, and the US will receive a message which says public services might be suspended. That is going to display on the navigation page when someone selects the option for Public Transport. Some countries are planning to reduce the running trains and buses in order to facilitate drive home the message to stay home and limit the essential workers’ exposure. Canada, Mexico, and the United States users will receive driving alerts when they cross international borders. According to GSMA: “Google Maps will remind that there might be restrictions and the user should check for themselves whether an entry in the country is possible at the border point. Navigation to medical facilities is another feature that is coming with a change – now Google Maps says that not all medical centres can test for COVID-19, directing you to the right place depending on your medical condition.” The tech giant is also planning to introduce a new feature that will guide you how crowded a line or a station is. Recommended Reading: Google Maps Feature will Help People Plan Their Trips Maintaining Social Distancing