Here is the list of Top 10 Google Coronavirus Search 2020 in Pakistan

1. Thank you Coronavirus helpers

In this hour of time, when pandemic had hit the world with no actual cure for the disease, there were some real-time heroes who put their lives on risk to save the others. Among them are doctors, police officers, army, rangers and distributors who were providing the things of basic needs to people at homes. People at home were thanking them for facilitating the nation by different means especially on social media. That’s why it has become the top Coronavirus search 2020 on google.

2. Coronavirus tips

The pandemic was new for all. China was the first to face this disaster. So, there was very little information about COVID19. As the countries start experiencing the pandemic, they were getting more information about it and start sharing it with others. So, to be on the safe side, people start searching coronavirus tips from different experts. That’s why it could have become the top coronavirus search 2020.

3. Coronavirus update

COVID19 has surrounded the world so brutally that everyone’s mind was on its status. When it hit Europe and thousands of people were dying there, everyone was so curious to get the update daily. So, to stay updated with the situation, it has become one of the most googled searches.

4. Worldometer

Worldometer is a reference website that provides counters and real-time statistics for diverse topics. It seems like people relay more on this website for authentic information than others, making it one of the most googled searches.

5. Cases in Pakistan

Pakistan has witnessed its first COVID19 positive patient in February 2020. Then it kept on increasing and showed a peak in mid-July. Although, the country was facing lockdown, however, people were curious and tensed want to stay updated with the situation in the country. That’s why it could have become the most googled coronavirus search 2020.

6. Pakistan Medical Council

The Pakistan Medical Commission (PMC) is a statutory regulatory authority that maintains the official register of medical practitioners within Pakistan. PMC was quite active in examining the patients to prepare a cure for the disease. So, it may have become the most searched keywords on Google because of its active participation in battling with the pandemic.

7. Quarantine

The coronavirus pandemic has encountered many of us with some words that were not used earlier. Many of the people were not actually known about what exactly the quarantine is. So, to know about the real meaning of the word, it had become the most google coronavirus search 2020.

8. COVID-19

The coronavirus is also known as COVID19 because the pandemic is actually started at the end of 2019. ‘CO’ stands for corona, ‘VI’ for the virus, and ‘D’ for the disease. So, people may have searched this keyword to get to know more about the disease.

9. Symptoms

The pandemic does not show the same symptoms on all. It acts differently on different patients. So, to get to know more about it symptoms, people have made it most googled coronavirus search 2020 in Pakistan.


Yes, of course about its cure. Initially, when the pandemic was new and no one has any idea about its treatment, people were searching for its vaccine. Many experts were working on it. Everyone’s eyes were on the treatment when it will be available for all. That’s why it has become the most googled coronavirus search 2020 in Pakistan. Check Also: Pakistan Search 2020: Top 10 Trending Gadgets Searches on Google