Google Assistant bug could keep your screen awake indefinitely

This bug has affected Google Home and Pixel devices. We have come to know about it from the complaints on  Assistant Community page.

What is the Problem?

There are times when people use hotword to initiate an assistant on one device to activate it with the second device. The actual problem is that when a person says”Ok, Google,” or “Hey, Google”, it not only activates the assistant in one device but also the second device. Due to this bug, Google assistant will remain in listening mode on the second device until the first device owner intercedes. Many people discussed this issue on public forums and it was shocking to know that their android phone’s battery went down as low as 1%. The reason is that the assistant kept on listening for instructions for many hours after the hotword spoken to Google home speaker. Well right now, Google is trying to fix this bug. Till the time this problem gets fixed, it’s better to check your phone every time you activate Google Assistant on your device or google home. Recommended Read: Now Make WhatsApp Video Calls with Google Assistant