Global Citizens Believe Technology Can Play a Vital Role in Sustainable Development

Furthermore, the report also says that nearly 95% of individuals believe sustainability and social aspects are more important than ever before, and 81 percent say events in the last two years have influenced them to modify their behavior. Around 94 percent of respondents say society has not progressed far enough. Around 40% feel the lack of progress is due to people being too preoccupied with other issues, 43% believe it is due to a focus on short-term profits over long-term benefits, and 37% believe people are too lazy or selfish to help rescue the earth. Around half of the respondents believe that enterprises can have a greater impact on sustainability and social issues than individuals or governments alone. 75 percent are dissatisfied with businesses’ lack of progress to date, and 91 percent believe it’s not enough for companies to say they prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues; they want to see action and proof. The CIO Advisor and instructor for Harvard Professional development, Pamela Rucker said, Check out? Special Technology Zone Authority’s Chairman and COO Appointed Illegally