What Is Farm To Home?

Farm To Home was first initiated in 2017 and is part of a project Bakhabar Kissan by Jazz. This initiative aims to reduce the gap in the agricultural value chain by connecting farmers and end consumers, making sure that farmers get a fair price and we get top-quality produce. However, this added up with the given situation of the pandemic’s outbreak and thus the company took additional initiatives out of goodwill and support for its customers in providing safely handled produce to their doorsteps that are 100% corona-free. Farm To Home is a mobile app and website that allows you to order fruits and vegetables that are delivered at your doorstep with the utmost care and precision directly from the farmers to the consumers, with the moto of ‘Making Agriculture A Profitable Business’.

How Does Farm To Home Works?

Farm To Home takes farm-produce from farmers directly and carry them to the customers, favouring both ends. The ensure that farmers get a fair-share from all the effort they put into cultivating the crops and likewise providing their customers with the healthiest and original, farm-fresh fruits and vegetables at relatively 30% to 70% lower rates. They sort, cleanse and pack the products before delivering them and offer money-back guarantee. This means that the produce we get from them is not only healthier but also cheaper!

Why Is Farm To Home Safe?

Farm To Home is designed to ensure the safest and freshest eatables to your doorsteps. Their workers are wearing masks, gloves and safety suits while handling all products, continuously using sanitizer and washing their hands.

How To Contact Farm To Home?

Farm To Home is currently available for the top cities of Pakistan, Islamabad and Peshawar only, but determining by the pace of their progress they may extend their services throughout Pakistan shortly. You can benefit from the services via 4 means:   Farm To Home sure is an initiative Pakistan needs right now. Not only to ensure the safety of its individuals but also to uplift the Pakistan agriculture sector and help our farmers with what is their’s by right! A big thumbs up to ‘Farm To Home’!

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