Among other tech giants, Facebook has also received more traffic as compared to regular days. Facebook messenger and WhatsApp has become one of those vital apps that stay at home people are mostly using during this corona virus outbreak. These apps are acting as a perfect mode of communication for people who want to stay connected with friends and family. The company has also announced the challenges it is facing to maintain the quality of its services during COVID-19 outbreak.

Facebook to Reduce Bit Rates of Videos

Facebook said in a statement: “During this emergency, we’re doing everything we can to keep our apps fast, stable, and reliable. Our services were built to withstand spikes during events such as the Olympics or on New Year’s Eve. However, those happen infrequently, and we have plenty of time to prepare for them. The usage growth from COVID-19 is unprecedented across the industry, and we are experiencing new records in usage almost every day” Actually the challenges faced by Facebook is not due to the increased number of traffic on its platform instead it is due to the less employees working from home. The company is trying to maintain the stability however it is nearly impossible in such kind of situation. Following this, the social networking app has announced that its is going to reduce the bit rates for video on Facebook and Instagram for some weeks. This will be done in the region that are effected by COVID-19 pandemic. In the mean while, Facebook is gearing up for issues that might build up in the coming months.