Facebook Advance Encryption will Give Life to Child Abuse Risks

National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children stated that: We urge you to recognise and accept that an increased risk of child abuse being facilitated on or by Facebook is not a reasonable trade-off to make. “Children should not be put in harm’s way either as a result of commercial decisions or design choices.” Government of different countries have asked the social media giant to allow authorities to avoid encryption to better fight extremism, child pornography and other such heinous crimes. The letter from agency to Mark Zuckerberg stated: “However, as you yourself have stated, Facebook has a responsibility to work with law enforcement and to prevent the use of your sites and services for sexual abuse,” The human rights agency has asked Facebook not to go ahead with encryption plans until they have some plans regarding the child’s safety. Currently, Facebook has incorporated end to end encryption which means that only the sender and recipient can read the messages. “The rollout of end-to-end encryption is a long-term project, protecting children online is critically important to this effort and we are committed to building strong safety measures into our plans.”  The time will tell whether Facebook will halt its plans to make the platforms more encrypted or it will have some other plans to fight with child abusers. Also Read: Facebook’s Clear History Tool is Live Now