Facebook Messenger New Design Will Remove Discover Tab

According to the report: “The changes are part of a larger Messenger redesign that reorients the People tab around Stories as Facebook continues to try to dominate the ephemeral social media format it copied from Snapchat,” In the new design of messenger, Facebook is going to promote a “People” section where there will be a large squares dedicated to friends who have uploaded their Facebook Stories recently. The new design will also make you able to see contact list organised to promote most used contacts who are actively online. The company is also removing the instant Games and Transportation from the chat composer’s utility tray and moved inside the app so users have to search for those. More interestingly, Facebook is not only working on the main app messenger but is also tweaking Messenger Kids. Parents will get more control over what their kids are doing on Facebook Messenger Kids. Earlier this month, the company has also added new privacy features on Parent Dashboard in the app. Parents can check the more details that who their children are messaging with. They will be able to check with whom their kids are making video calls. Recommended Reading: Facebook to Curb Spread of Fake Coronavirus Cure Ads