CropDrop delivers the products directly to the retailers by eliminating middlemen. The innovative startup brings ease and facilitates the business owners by its marvellous services. Other than that, it is also making the lives of farmers easy by connecting them directly to the customers which is no doubt transforming their lives too.

CropDrop Connects Farmers to Business Customers

We all know that Pakistan is an Agri-based economy and farmers serve as the backbone of the agricultural sector. So, it is very necessary to facilitate them in every possible way and provide better income opportunities to them. This startup will definitely help them to a great extent. Any farmer connected via this app to the retailer will get paid on time as the founders ensure that farmers get paid on time according to the current industry rates with documented transactions. We can say that this startup can be a life-changer for farmers. The CropDrop Platform can give you the following benefits:

Benefits for farmers

They can get more revenue One-stop-sale They will get payment in 24 hours Transparent weighing & pricing

Convenience for retailers

Competitive Pricing They will get the doorstep delivery They will receive high quality graded produce without making extra efforts The platform brings convenient & time-saving for retailers

Savings for consumers

They will get hygienically handled produce 100% traceable to farm Improves food safety Consumers will get better quality and price

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