With each passing day, social media plays an important role in our life. The way we are using Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and the other social networks have major impacts on our life, that could be good or bad. Sometimes we think our posts and activities are not public on social media, only our friends and family members can see our activities over there because we trust them.

Stay Alert: Not all social media privacy threats come from strangers:

Do you know that keeping your information private is not only your own choice but your friends’ choice too. You never know when some of your friends in your life turn out to be less than friendly, but you keep sharing your activities with them on social platforms. Cyberbullying is becoming a common issue and it is not necessary that only strangers will be involved. I know we feel good about it when we do share anything with our friends and I am also not stopping you to do that. But whenever you do share anything on social media, you should know the boundaries of your privacy.

Putting your life more and more online:

When you put your life more and more online, it means you are branding yourself and opening ways for third parties to access your information. And of course when you brand yourself, then it is not possible to maintain your privacy on social media. When you share too much information about yourself or post your own pictures, then the consequences coming from this are not the fault of the social media platforms, but it is your own fault.

Learn to maintain your privacy on social networks:

When it comes to privacy, so there are chances that your feelings towards privacy on social networks may change. It also depends on what you post. Sometimes you would think that ” Am I living in the stone age or living in a small compact cabin that I can’t share anything?” Well, that is not the case. You are allowed to share everything but you should know the boundaries.

Here are some quick tips to protect your privacy on social media.

Use strong passwords, and don’t use the same password for multiple accounts. Never share your passwords with your friends Don’t use social media on public devices If you use your social media on your friend’s device then make sure to log out afterward. Even on your private social profiles, try to share your personal information to a minimum. Be wary about clicking links from friends on social media

Recommended  Reading: Social Media- A Gateway To Self-Obsession