According to anonymous sources close to the matter, Apple has pressured manufacturers to speed up component development in order to meet manufacturing deadlines. The two key suppliers for the upcoming Apple iPhone 14 series are said to be Foxconn and Pegatron. Luxshare Precision is rumored to have received orders for two of the four iPhone 14 series devices. According to the research, these manufacturers are being harmed by the delay in factory reopenings in China, particularly in and around Shanghai, due to Covid lockdowns. The tech company was caught off guard when severe confinement restrictions were imposed following a sprinkling of verified cases across the country, followed by monthlong lockdowns in Apple’s most crucial electronics clusters, according to the sources. According to individuals briefed on the topic, the four new phones are currently in the engineering verification test, or EVT, stage of development. Suppliers develop the mechanical parts and manufacturing flow for the new iPhones at this stage, as well as create bills of materials (BOM) to estimate manufacturing costs. By September, Apple expects to start mass production. The Cupertino-based tech giant has encouraged Chinese suppliers to speed up development in order to meet the company’s planned launch date.