Today we are going to review – ATM Locator Pakistan

ATM Locator Pakistan needs both Location and Internet services to work. Missing any of these services would obstruct it to function effectively. Location-Based Dependencies: ATM Locator relies on GPS and Mobile Network to find your current location. GPS would return more accurate results but might take longer to acquire fix of your location. However, the mobile network uses cell sites to determine location much faster but with less accuracy. Keeping both options active from the Location Settings will provide faster and more accurate results and therefore it is recommended. Internet-Based Dependencies: ATM Locator needs data connection to fetch Banks/ATMs data and maps. The overall performance of the app would depend on the speed of your data services. You would get much faster results on WiFi networks. While GPRS and Edge performance would vary depending on the service provider. Bandwidth consumed to fetch Banks/ATMs info would take only few KBs but using maps would significantly utilize more data.  

Today we are going to review another App – Pakistan Newspapers