About 5G 

Prior internet/cloud network technologies primarily focused on connectivity, the virtue of 5G lies in its ability to create a wealth of resources. It combines artificial intelligence, big data, cloud computing, edge computing, and block chain into one user-friendly package. Although 5G base stations are shorter in scope than their 4G counterparts, they can connect far more devices at once.  We accepted the fact that 2020 is not the year of 5G and industry analysts finding the alternative way to cope with the delay of this technology. The smartphone manufacturers have already been prepared to for its market projection, however, with the static operations we cannot expect the expansion of 5G. As pandemic has slowed down the supply chain globally and America’s dependence on China has affected badly.   In the recent media meet Trump emphasized to secure the infrastructure on both domestic and international level by working with reliable partners.   In June last year, China issued its first 5G licenses to its state-owned mobile carriers. Whereas public possession remains constrained, over the second half of 2019, the commercial use of technology gradually increased from port management to digital medicine. But even industry experts didn’t expect to see their integration into a nationwide anti-epidemic effort so soon after.  According to market research company NPD Group, 5G was available on just around 1 percent of phones sold in 2019.Carriers advocate 5G as a big step forward for broadband technologies that will lead to new opportunities from driver less vehicles to autonomous operations and smart cities. And coronavirus might just be the spark for 5G that the planet wants, because it causes whole nations to implement quarantine and social isolation.  In China, this technology is being used to support health apps to monitor the user’s temperature amid coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan. Also, China is ahead of U.S when it comes to technology deployment and launched 5G powered robots to work in place of human medics to protect them from virus. In China, there has been a drastic decline of factory production that could delay the pace at which 5G equipment migrates to the U.S. and beyond.  Amidst all the chaos of COVID-19, baseless allegations have been imposed on this technology that it might be the reason to cause this virus. Sources claimed that it weakens the immunity system. Now a days, information pollution spread like a fire on social media.   5G is not detrimental to health and does not cause any disease or virus, declared by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and the International Committee on Non-Ionizing Radiation Safety (ICNIRP).