In here, I will try to guide you for 5 Ways To Use Your Time Productively, what to do in idol time, how to manage workload and get the most from your day and develop these good habits with the time that may help you progress. It all comes under self-care that we all need desperately.

1.Manage Your Schedule

Not that anyone in the history of managing schedule has managed it by writing it down on a piece of paper. But let me tell you, do it for once and for all this time, because writing alone was never enough if you follow these 5 rules and develop these 5 habits together only then will the system work. Assign your tasks times and follow them religiously.

2.Prioritize And Divide Work

Prioritizing is as important as dividing workload onto days and even weeks and months. Gradual progress may not seem satisfactory to many people but it is way more beneficial. All you have to do is be consistent.

3.Train Yourself To Act Accordingly

It takes around 2 weeks for a person to adopt a routine, 21 days for it to become a part of life and flow naturally, and after 91 days it is said to become a habit which may require force to be altered afterwards. So, all you have to do here is to push yourself for two weeks. Get up early, go to bed early, leave the toxic activities at once!

4. Closely Monitor Non-Productive Activities

Our non-productive activities may differ but they have one thing in common; they are non-productive. They waste your time and energy and they give nothing in return. Overthinking or micromanagement may also come in the category of non-productive activities. Figure out, and tell yourselves that these are your set of non-productive activities and you have to end them before they eat up your health and career.

5.Hide Social Media And Diverting Apps

Make a separate folder of social media Apps and move it to a destination where it won’t be visible all the time. You can also add many other applications into that folder so that not even the icons display on top of the folder. Believe me! this works like a miracle. You don’t see it, you are less likely to be tempted by it.   We are the future of Pakistan. But I see us plagued by sluggish activities that are harming us in every way possible. Hope these 5 Ways To Use Your Time Productively help you increase your productivity and reduce your workload.